
to the Muckle Mannequins web site. We specialise in creating and producing shop window mannequins and specially commissioned figures. Our years of experience and close cooperation with leading designers and developers have made us famous around the world. This web site is designed to give you a brief impression of the world of Muckle Mannequins. Have fun exploring.


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Welcome to the Muckle Mannequins e. K. website. We produce dummies and figures for displays and shop windows, as well as moveable figures. Busts too; for example tailor dummies, decorative busts and torsos. Our (fully moveable) mannequins are available as women’s dummies, men’s dummies, children’s dummies, sports dummies, large figures and small figures. We also make and supply film character figures, for example, life size Batman figures and dinosaur figures. Our range also includes wigs and polystyrene models.

With more than 15 years of experience in the successful manufacture of mannequins and figures, we are today renowned around the world for our film figures and life size figures, for example Batman figures and dinosaur figures. The (fully moveable) display dummies and game figures are made in cooperation with the Oxmox design studio in Australia (prototypes, prototype construction). That means we can cater for all sorts of customer wishes, for example for women’s dummies, men’s dummies, children’s dummies or sports dummies. We can offer all of our products in various sizes, forms and colours: moveable figures, torsos, wigs or polystyrene models.

Our showroom in Mannheim shows all of the current trends in the world of display dummies, torsos, busts (decorational busts and tailor dummies) and wigs. Optionally, you can also view our (fully moveable) display dummies on our website, for example women’s dummies, men’s dummies and children’s dummies. Our website also features our newest models in the sports dummies, life size figures, small figures, film figures (Batman figures) and dinosaur figures ranges. It also provides information on prices, for moveable figures polystyrene models. You can also contact us over an online form.

Our range of products includes female figures, male figures, child figures and sports figures, as well as products from famous manufacturers, such as Polyform, Arthema, who we represent. Other products include a whole range of series, for example, Young Fashion, Close up, Close up two, Tomorrow, David, Straight Collection, Style Collection, Collection XXL, Unbreakables, Flexible Figuren, Atelier, Close up, torsos, busts, polystyrene heads and polyester figures. We also offer and supply jewellery displays, coat hangers, acrylic stands and displays, polystyrene columns, polystyrene torsos and polystyrene heads.

By no means should we forget to mention the following games figures, POS, POS concepts, action figures, comic figures (special figures, promotional figures) in our programme (materials: resin or fibreglass): Spiderman, Superman, Addy, Aragorn Lord of the Rings, Dungeon Keeper, FIFA Soccer, Hail to the King, Halo 2, Hitman, Indiana Jones, Jak II, Jak & Daxter, Jin Tekken 4, Karina, Killzone, Kung Lao, Mortal Kombat, Lula (erotic figure), Moorhuhn, Nemesis, Night Elf, Power Ranger, Prince of Persia, Queeny Love, Ratchet & Clank, Rayman, Samus Metroid Prime, Seven of 9, Snake, Metal Gear Solid, MGS-4, Spiderman, Stronghold, T-Rex, Raptor, Thrall, Warcraft III, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell, Tron 2 Mercury, Abe, Oddworld, Cyprien, Dragon Ball Z, Edward, Gnaf, Herdy Gerdy, Jak, Judge Dredd Krillin, Dragon Ball Z, Zelda Melvin, Techno Mage, Piccolo, Dragon Ball Z Ragnar, Rune Raziel, Soul Raver, Shadow Man, Silent Hill, Son Goku, Spellforce, Wiggles Wecker, Gothic 3, Tomb Raider, Lara Croft Legend, Dinosaurier, Raptor, Superman Returns, Batman, Lara Croft, Batman Begins, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Flix and Trix, UEFA, Shrek, Jack Sparrow, King Kong, Half Life and Kane&Lynch.

Muckle Mannequins e.K. makes display dummies, torsos, busts and wigs. We also make women’s dummies, men’s dummies, children’s dummies, sports dummies and other moveable figures. Besides our display dummies (fully moveable), our life size figures and film figures, for example our dinosaur figures or Batman figures and Superman models (life size) are highly popular. Our range also includes decorational busts, tailor dummies and polystyrene models.